Which Parent Is More Likely To Be Granted Custody If The Couple Is Not Married?

There is no presumption in favor of either parent in Colorado. We’re going to assume that both parents of capable of parenting their child, and we are not going to presume that the mom is better capable of parenting the child as compared to the dad.

We look, again, at what is in the child’s best interests. Just because you aren’t married doesn’t mean that you don’t have rights for your child. The court would look at the same factors as if you were, indeed, married. So again, we look at the history and quality of the relationship with the child and each parent. We look at the bond that the child has with each parent. We look at your ability to support each parent’s relationship with the child. We look at practical factors in terms of are you going to be able to actually step up and exercise the parenting time that you are awarded by the court?

So, just because you aren’t married doesn’t mean you don’t have rights. You have rights for your child. And if you are uncertain about what your rights are, please come in and speak to me and we can go through your unique situation and discuss a parenting plan that might work for you and your child.